segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011

pride and wasting time

It’s seems to be a joke, but unfortunately it isn’t. I just can’t believe I see myself in it again, ‘cause now I already know the reason why it´s been happening again.

Why the hell we have to be over proud? And what about “playing love stories”? I must confess it’s just about LIFE, but why is it often necessary to be hurting inside so badly? I’m not talking about myself (it’d better if I was the only one who suffers from it), but actually I’m talking about lots of people who cannot live what they want to and need to be complete; they just can’t live their dreams because of something (that shouldn’t even exist).

I’ve been thinking about it hardly these last months and I cant say a word without having doubts about it. I apologize for that, but anyway I’m honest. Who else could say anything about life and especially related to heart feelings without any fear of saying anything wrong? How dare should I be pretending that I am the one who moves forward throughout the crowd without looking behind?! But I do. And not only behind, but to both sides as well.

Sometimes some people see nothing at all regarding to their own wishes and dreams. Now I see myself part of it. I wanna try everything and give my best before giving up, despite not believing it should come to me.

Yeah, I’m upset and hopeless right now and that’s why I’m about to stop writing. I can’t do it anymore. This “it” could be “writing” or “what I´ve been doing”. Sincerely, I´ve been trying hard this last choice, without having much success.

I hope next time I can bring you many happy feelings and warm words.

IThauan dos SantosI

domingo, 22 de maio de 2011

keep smiling

Knowing real stories or even the ones watched in movies is always better for our points of view and goals for life. These days I have watched an amazing movie called “My Sister’s Keeper”. It could be just one more movie, but it actually wasn’t. While crying seeing how hard life could be, I suddenly realized how lucky I am. I have my family with me. Good friends by my side. I am healthy.

I have my problems indeed, but I don`t have big ones, anyway. Suffering for not achieving your goals or your wishes when you really want is not a kind of problem that you should count here. When I say “a problem to be dealt with”, I mean the ones that definitely hurt you such as diseases or so.

When you see people living such a hard life you feel their pain and stop complaining about your “problems”, which are actually not quite big enough. Pretending that you need special cares, more attention or mercy will not have any sense and you will see yourself in a selfish way of thinking and living, what you must change sooner or later, otherwise you will not be able to understand what life is and enjoy the moments properly.

Live your life is understanding that happiness is something dynamic not static. Today you win, then you smile; tomorrow you fail, and then you cry. You cannot say without any doubt you are a happy person, but that you are happy for some time. While you can face your problems in a good way, you can feel like a happy person.

We all should see happiness in each little thing lived everyday everywhere. I do think this is the best way to move on, trying to go forward without carrying too much.

IThauan dos SantosI

segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2011


Sometimes you can think you are "dreaming" too much, but you just have to put in your mind that you do not have to forget your plans and what you want. As long as you really pursuit it, you will achieve it!

People are used to saying that you must have your feet on the ground. So, you are not able to fly, to try what is new. You can just think about what involves you and, as you do not have many choices, you have to be an average person. But what should happen if you really want to try new things?

Of course, it is very difficult to go beyond the borders. But it is not (in)possible at all. Actually, you just have to focus on your desires and design what you have to do to get them. You just have to think this goal is not (in)possible to be reached, so imagine you will be (in) this possibility.

We must believe in ourselves, but it is not enough. Sure you have to walk through a long and complex road… while it happens, lots of people will say you are crazy or something like that. But do not worry about it: in every single situation there will be many attempts to put you down. So you have to keep your mind straight to that point.

For many people this way is much more difficult due to personal characteristics and momentaneous circumstances. We know that. I know that. But it should make you believe you have to be much stronger, determined and focused on those plans. Just figure out how powerful you are and what you have to do to turn these dreams into reality. There is nothing impossible for those who really want something. There are (in)possible things…

ILuan dos SantosI

it is so up to you

I am going to write something now just because of a movie I watched yesterday in the afternoon. It is about a dream and the main character is a poor guy who has a son and a wife. That is all he had.

Watching his life get worse and his marriage about to break down, he has never forgotten his dreams, especially his biggest one: to have a good job to live a life with his family. It is a kind of American dream, but the one that every single person wishes hard.

As expected, he gets there. What was the key to success? Sure it was hard work!

This made me feel a bit sad, just because I saw myself in lots of scenes and acts, but at the same time I realized I have been changing so much. I used to work harder in order to have what I wanted, but today I am doing it slowly. I must change soon.

I should actually confess this movie drove me to a better way of thinking… to the one I always knew really well, but that seemed to be hidden inside. Focus is needed “to get there”, otherwise I will not be able to achieve what I want. The pursuit of happiness is not that easy as people usually say, (and) ­not even impossible.

IThauan dos SantosI