The best thing on being sad and a little bit down is that you might get better sooner or later. I´m sure that it has been happening to me today, actually since the whole last month.
I was definitely living an old dream. I was trying to resist the reality, still thinking that I was “there”. It made me feel worse especially because I couldn´t change my real situation, neither my mood nor plans for future.
Now I decided to move on, looking for reasons to keep myself on my way , drawing my path.
The key to see what we shall do in order to feel happier and more interesting in life is knowing that you are in a big game, where you are just a piece of it. Sometimes we are in good times, playing it very well. In other ones we are under control, weak and losing the game, but still knowing our ultimate goal.
Changing from loser to winner isn´t something eternal; it´s dynamic, not static as many people think. Then, it can let you think twice before leave behind some goal, idea or even an amazing story. Move yourself and go ahead. Time passes by and opportunities go away while you are crying and suffering as if your situation would consume you forever.
IThauan dos SantosI
2 comentários:
ótimo post! Estou me sentindo assim nos ultimos dias, especialmente depois do carnaval. Vivi momentos mágicos e inesquecíveis com uma pessoa que esta miles away from here. As you said, I must move myself and go ahead. "Time passes by and opportunities go away while you are crying and suffering as if your situation would consume you forever." É muito dificil, eu sei, mas isso me remete ao um outro post seu que serve, e muito, para mim: " I don´t want to run away of my reality, because this is my REAL life. I must face it". Enfim, é dificil aceitar certas coisas, mas ao mesmo tempo temos que aprender a viver e encarar a realidade sem nunca esquecer que vivemos momentos maravilhosos, e ainda viveremos tantos outros que irão fazer os anteriores nem tão melhores assim ;)
I totally agree with you!
Além do mais, perder ou ganhar só depende do ponto de vista.
Adorei o texto! ;)
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